Monday, August 17, 2015

Can I borrow D's Left Hand?

Hey there....
As Luna cries yet again as I attempt to vaccuum the floor (she's scared of the vaccuum cleaner, yeeesh) I can't help but fantasize how great it would be to have my very own Left Hand to help around the house.

Vampire Hunter D's parasitic Left Hand has been indispensable to D's adventures, bringing him back to life numerous times, catching blades in its cute little mouth, providing human conversation when D can't be bothered to answer (or too lazy to, I tell you)....

How useful would it be to use Left Hand's gale force wind to suck up all the cobwebs, spiders and dust around the house in one second or less? Kind of like Doraemon's pocket, Left Hand can also store useless crap in its interdimensional storage space mouth!

In fact, Left Hand would make such a great babysitter, he could even change Luna's diaper, catch her when she falls, rock her to sleep at night...

...while simultaneously sing her bawdy lullabies and teach her how to stick up her middle finger.



Jerome Samson said...

Being a vampire has certain limitations, but it can also be a ton of fun. Your extra strengths and abilities can make you successful in almost every endeavor you participate in and before you know it the money and acquaintances will come streaming in. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. One thing you will definitely have more of is time. Beef up your education and learn all you every wanted to. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV This is going to be especially fun if you turned to share your life with one of us. Let us show you the wonders of the world. Learn new languages, go skydiving or scuba dive with sharks, visit the African safari. You no longer need to be scared of nature or wildlife – you will have become the worlds strongest predator. Have fun with it and your life as a vampire can be more fulfilling than you ever dreamed. Explore, experiment, experience and get excited. There’s a big world out there with lots to see and do and as a vampire, you can do it all. If your dream is to become a powerful person in life contact:

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Lunabi Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon