In the post-apocalyptic world of Hideyuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D, the vampire Nobility or "Nobles" as they stylize themselves fear the usual vampirific things such as sunlight, wooden stake or steel through the heart, crosses, etc.
However, one thing that makes them squeee to the point that it seems almost ridiculous is...water.
Vampire Nobles have been known to drown in water only a foot deep. So the best way to hide from the Nobility is to literally hide behind your toilet!
Which brings me back to why I believe Luna is a Noble.
Every time she hears the sound of running water in the tub she gets SCARED. If that isn't the mark of the Nobility then I don't know what is.
This is discounting the fact that she often feeds ravenously at my breast, and has even been known to bite me a time or two. I know her top front fangs teeth have yet to come out but, until they do and can prove otherwise, Luna has the makings of the Nobility.
Besides, doesn't the name "Luna" sound like a beautiful Noble gazing up into the moonlight?
Vampire Hunter D is a half Noble Dhampir. Arguably the best-looking man in the universe. Cover art for Vampire Hunter D vol. 6 by Yoshitaka Amano. |
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